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Campaigning as an Independent Candidate | Tim interviews Dominique Murphy
Campaigning as an Independent Candidate | Tim interviews Dominique Murphy Tim Laird 30 Views • 9 days ago

⁣Tim interview former independent political candidate Dominique Murphy. Lear about her insights and experience from running in both the Federal and State elections in 2022

00:00 Intro
00:14 Interview Opening
01:04 Why did you choose to be an Independent?
10:58 Did you spend any personal funds?
13:35 How did you run your first campaign?
16:49 What result did you get?
20:20 Interference from other parties
25:34 How did the second campaign go?
33:55 Are you happy with the result?
35:46 Would you run again?
40:59 Paper candidates
44:13 Additional difficulties for Independents
46:32 Closing
47:02 Outro

Getting into Lamb Farming (Pt. 2) | Tim chats to James and Jono from Tekoa Farms
Getting into Lamb Farming (Pt. 2) | Tim chats to James and Jono from Tekoa Farms Tim Laird 10 Views • 23 days ago

⁣Tim interviews James and Jono from Tekoa Farms.

If you'd like to support Tekoa Farms, please consider checking out the website, getting in touch with Jono or ordering some lamb.

00:00 Intro
00:25 Flavour of the lamb
02:53 Beef vs Lamb packs
09:58 What's in a quarter box of lamb
14:39 Are any nasties are used?
20:25 Vaccination and organic farming
26:41 Government intrusions
29:19 Closing

Getting into Lamb Farming (Pt. 1) | Tim chats to James and Jono from Tekoa Farms
Getting into Lamb Farming (Pt. 1) | Tim chats to James and Jono from Tekoa Farms Tim Laird 18 Views • 23 days ago

⁣Tim interviews James and Jono from Tekoa Farms.

If you'd like to support Tekoa Farms, please consider checking out the website, getting in touch with Jono or ordering some lamb.

00:00 Intro
00:20 Interview Start
00:40 How did you get into farming?
12:06 Comparison to supermarket meat
18:23 What makes a quality product?
23:45 How long does it take to raise a lamb?
26:02 Grass fed vs. grain fed

Introducing Interviews with Tim Laird
Introducing Interviews with Tim Laird Tim Laird 35 Views • 25 days ago

Join me as I talk to ordinary people who have extra-ordinary experiences

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